Become a fitter, stronger swimmer with our online swimming training squad.
About The Swim Squad
Becoming a better swimmer takes persistence, dedication, and a positive attitude. With a clear program and expert coaching, you can focus on what matters to get faster in the water. The Aura Move Squad is an online training program designed to boost your fitness, build strength, and provide swimming coaching support.
The squad is ideal if you want to:
improve your swim speed and endurance in swimming events ranging from 200m - 2000m
try something new for training
follow a structured program
work toward goals
build physical strength and improve mobility
have swimming coaching support
What's included:
3x weekly swim sessions
2x weekly strength sessions
A challenge every two months to help keep you motivated
Personal performance tracking
Access to membership resources
Drill library
Online swimming community
Swimming coaching support
Our program is best suited for intermediate to advanced swimmers capable of swimming 400m non-stop with a pace between 2:10/100m - 1:20/100m.
Cost: Free for 14 days then $28USD/mo
Ready to take your swimming to the next level?
Our program is best suited for intermediate to advanced swimmers capable of swimming 400m non-stop with a pace between 2:10/100m - 1:20/100m.
You have the flexibility to edit, remove, or change sessions to suit your schedule. The app integrates with Strava and Garmin, so your sessions will automatically update in your calendar.
Our swim sessions range from 1.5km to 3km. The gym sessions are designed to last between 30min - 45min.
For the swim sessions we recommend:
pull buoy
The strength sessions include equipment found in most commercial gyms such as:
squat rack
lat pull down machine